Hello Welcome To…..

As a person who has worked in customer service for 5 years, I have noticed people like us always get the sharp end of the customer’s frustration. So what if we are flipping burgers at burger king we have a lot on our minds plus we are already taking so much crap from our bosses. People, it’s not that serious we are doing our jobs.

 You’re not the only person we have to deal with. We have been standing on our feet for over 6 hours slaving over a hot stove for $8 an hour. Do you honestly think we mess with your food just to make you mad? NO. Do you think we want to be working so hard for so little pay? NO. Do you think every time we get a customer like you, talking all that bull at us, making us  want to jump over the counter and rip your face off? HELL YES. Some customers really deserve being dunked in the deep fryer until they are nice and crispy. Unfortunately we cannot harm you physically, and we cannot talk back, because we live in fear that if we do we will lose our jobs, then our kids won’t eat, or we will be evicted. Fortunately we can wait until you return and put our foot in your food, give you a nasty burger complementary of the chef with %100 chance of being nasty as hell.  

“Oh I'm sorry I messed up your order”, calm down it’s not the end of the world, and you won’t die if I don’t bring your food in the next minuet. Try to put yourself in their shoes, how would you like it if I came to your job and screamed to the top of my lungs how incompetent you are, or how your job is so easy that a monkey could do it while flinging his poop out the window…… OUCH that hurts. Yeah I know, but now you know how you have made those people feel when you went off on them for simply messing up your order. (You jerk) Next time think twice before you pop your top at that server who brought your food out in 10 minutes when he clearly said 5, or that cashier who gave you a small drink when you wanted a medium.
                                                                “Ride The Wave Of Time”
