Nice Guys Finish Last

I don’t want to sound mean (whenever someone say they don’t mean to do something they most likely do), but you ladies need to get your shit together. I'm so tired of seeing you high school girls going out with some douche that treats you like dirt, neglecting that little nice nerdy boy that had a crush on you for ages, than staying with that douche and having three of his kids, and once he leaves you with all three kids you ladies are now on the hunt for a “nice sucker” to take care of you and your kids. Really!? Most of the time you run back to that nerdy boy that had a crush on you since high school, thinking if he wanted you back in high school, he will also want you now, HELL  NO! Some of you ladies spend your teenage years having sex with any guy that made it on the football team or the guys that all the girls’ hade a crush on.
Later in life you’re so used up and worn out (like throwing a hot dog down a hallway), if you find a guy to actually want to take you out on a nice dinner he would have to be from another state where no one has ever heard of you. I have honestly seen this with my four eyes, once you get to the age of 25 your kids need a father figure, you need someone to help with the bills, because working at Burger King is not enough to put food on the table for you and your three bastard children…STOP!! I'm sorry I lost it a little bit, I don’t like offending people but “if the shoe fit than it might be you shoe size”.
”. Carry on. I know for sure no one can tell what the future holds but everyone can tell when they are going down the wrong path. Honestly I would not want a woman that has “been around” just too finally give me a piece of what everyone has already had. If you woman respected yourself till the point where you know, feel, and see the guy your dating is a no good bum, than you would move on. I was once that nerdy boy, and where am I now? In school, starting my own business at the age of 21, and where is she? Working at burger king three kids and one on the way, where is the father? Your guess is s good as mines.
                                                    “Ride The Wave Of Time”
