Imperfections Makes Perfection

There was once this guy in search of perfection, he was a very picky guy. One day this guy meet a beautiful lady, after a while he left this lady because she was financially handicap , and when all his friends ask why he would simply answer with “she is not perfect, and I'm searching for the “perfect one”. Later he meet another woman, much more beautiful than the last, with diamond necklace around her neck he fell in love, but just like the last he left her because she had one breast that was higher than the other, and when everyone asked why he would say “she is not perfect, and I'm searching for the “perfect one”. Soon after he meets a breathtaking woman, she had everything that he wanted, the looks, and the personality, the money, and her breast was on the same level. He was ready to announce that he had found the “perfect one”, but before getting a chance to do so, she left him, and when he asked why she said “I'm searching for the “perfect one”.
 Now you guy maybe asking what was the point of that story? The point is just like the title states imperfections makes perfection. Understand that there is no such thing as the “PERFECT ONE” everyone has flaws, and the sooner you understand that fact, the sooner you will find yourself the “one” for you. Please people stop trying to change him/her. If you really love someone you will be able to look past that little fact his/her laugh is annoying, she/he chews his/her food in a weird way, or that she/he has financial problem. everyone want someone that can give them 100% of what they want in a relationship, but their will always be this one little problem……… you will only get 80%. And to tell you the truth, if you have found someone that gives you 80% please oh please don’t get greedy and leave him/her trying to find a 90% or 100% because you will only just end up with a 20%.“Take me for who I am, and ill take you for all that you are”
Everyone pays more attention to the little things rather than the big picture, the little things are not that important, now go run to him/her and tell that person that you acknowledge their flaws and those flaws are what makes them oh so “PERFECT”.
                                                       “Ride The Wave Of Time”


  1. You are a great writer your description is very precise. Really enjoyed it.

  2. thank you very much, i am very happy to have someone like you that like my blog,i will provide more blogs,but if you have something that you would like me to write about let me know.


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