Hey Lil Mama

When does it end? When a guy want to approach a woman because he would like to get to know her, the best way to do so is by first approach her, introduce yourself (hello my name is …), than give her a complement on her dress, nickels, shoes, earrings, (I really like your earring they bring out the true beauty of your eyes) do not complement on her physical look. (you look beautiful) the girl knows she is beautiful, but she doesn’t need a stranger telling her so.

 Next is to ask for her name, (may I have your name) or (what is your name). In the event she doesn’t state her name leave her alone, she clearly doesn’t want to be bothered by you, or she may have someone already. Once she has told you her name you politely say (wow what a beautiful name) than you move on from there. Start talking about anything from the top of your head, but remember let her do most of the talking, and don’t pretend to listen and node your head; NO, you should really listen to what she has to say because they will be very important later on. Once you feel  like she may some what be interested in you tell her that you have to go, but it was a pleasure meeting with her and having this conversation, and if its possible to continue talking over dinner or after a movie, ask for her number and give her yours. (Don’t listen to the 3 day rule)
I honestly don’t know if you all agree on my version on how to approach a woman but this is the version I really, really dislike…… “Hey lil mama dam you look sexy, let me get your number Shorty”. What the hell is that? No woman should be approached that way…. But unfortunately they are. Many manner less men goes after a woman that way thinking that they will get a valid response from her. But some actually get lucky. What could be going through her head when a guy comes up to her and say something like that and at the end giving her number up to him? Those are the kind of woman that doesn’t have standards to how she should be treated by a man.  They say first impression is the best impression because it’s a lasting impression. Oh so very true, if a woman actually accept a man who came up to her like that she clearly don’t care how the man treats her later on. The same way no one want to be with someone that is abusive you should know that someone like that don’t really consider you as a person but as a thing because they did not put any effort into introducing themselves and having the first impression. If you woman out their want to be respected you first have to respect yourself. Don’t throw yourself into the arm of the first guy that say some pretty words, or has the shiniest car.  (Your not a seagull) (seagulls really like shiny objects)

 make sure that this guy that you like has something going for himself. If you don’t know what I mean ill give you an example of things that a guy should have to be considered to be with a classy woman like yourself.

 1. A job- thought the economy is hard and a lot of people are jobless this person should make an effort to find one. 2 educations – is so important that without an education you can’t take yourself higher. 3 something going for himself, I understand some people may not have the privilege that we do and they do not have any of those things, but you can compromise if that person is making an effort to better himself.
                                                               “Ride The Wave Of Time”


  1. Very true, I'm glad you are sharing your exquisiteness with everyone on how to act like a gentleman while approaching a lady.

  2. Thank you very much. Your comments are always welcome.


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